Europe’s sustainable and technological development
In recent years, we have seen the European Union investing in technological development and sustainability, shaping a future where innovation is compatible with environmental responsibility. The EU budget plays an important role in achieving this…
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Sustainability Plan
Why Every Company Needs a Business Sustainability Plan
Increasing risks derived from climate change, social issues, such as inclusion and diversity,  human rights…
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15 July, 2024
intelligent buildings
From the Smart Building to the Intelligent Building
Climate change and the need for sustainable development has brought into focus the promising solution…
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10 June, 2024
Women Leadership
Breaking Barriers: Paving the Way for Women in Leadership Roles
Nowadays, more and more women are reaching the top of the leadership. This achievement, however,…
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16 May, 2024
sustainability trends
How sustainability trends evolve through the years
The 2024 and beyond sustainability vision is about adaptation and resilience where technology and governance…
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19 April, 2024
Unleashing the True Potential of ESG: Beyond Sustainability and Reporting
The term “ESG” has become somewhat of an enigma, often confused with sustainability or mere…
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24 May, 2023